Create a project demonstrating your ability to use all of the tools listed below. Provide a brief explanation of your project and post a link to the file.
Demonstrate skill with:
- 4 different ways to ripple edit
- Q and W
- Ripple Edit tool
- Right click method
- Selection tool + command
- Slip Edit Tool
- Rolling Edit Tool
- Rate Stretch Tool
- Replacing Clips with Alt/ Option and drag and drop
- Rearranging Clips with Alt/ Option + Command
- Adjusting the volume using the rubber band
- Key frame the rubber band using the pen tool
- Adding, deleting, and editing markers
- Applying Video Transitions
- Dip to Black
- Cross Dissolve
- Know how to change the length of transitions
- Video Effects
- Ultra Key (use to key out a green screen or blue screen)
- Warp Stabilizer (stabilizes shaky footage)
- Create a transition using effects
- Slowing time, Speeding up time, Reversing Time
- Color a clip using an adjustment layer
- Import a Photoshop or Illustrator file as individual layers
- Fix broken links in a project
Also be able to answer the following questions:
- Even if you didn't use it in your final project, did you make sure to cover / learn about each individual bullet point on the Badge List skill list?
- How would you describe keyframes to someone who had never heard of them before?
- Did you use, and if you didn't, how would you apply the Ultra Key or Warp Stabilizer?
- How do links work in Premiere? What is the best practice to avoid broken links?
- What is the most compatible format to use when exporting?