1. Complete a ProjectCreate a project demonstrating your ability to use all of the tools listed below. Provide a brief explanation of your project and post a link to the file. More Info |
2. Demonstrate Your Skills to an EvaluatorShow your completed project to an evaluator and demonstrate your ability to use the tools listed below. More Info |
Nathan CannonNathanWJCannon |
Nathan Imblerncimbler |
Nathaniel Harrisnharris97 |
Parker Gehringparkergehring |
Peter GilesPeter-Giles |
R. Kitchenrkitchen2 |
Rachel AlbrightRachel-Albright |
Rebecca Leiferrebeccaleifer |
Reese DennisReese |
Roscoe McGeetoothless |
Rya WilliamsRya2004 |
Sadie BinghamSadiebing |
Bella Hsiungbellahsiung |
Ben KofoedBKofoed1 |
Dallin NartkerDallinNartker |
Grace Thomasthomagra |
Joshua Aaron GarciaJosh_Garcia |
Kaden AndreasenKadenAndy05 |
Mark NeumilllerMark007 |