1. Complete a projectCreate a project demonstrating your ability to use all of the tools listed below or other advanced tools. Provide a brief explanation of your project and post a link to the file. More Info |
2. Demonstrate Your Skills to an EvaluatorShow your completed project to an evaluator and demonstrate your ability to use the tools listed below or other advanced tools. When emailing your evidence to the sage, please send the .psd file and the PDF file. More Info |
Kimby Jacksonkimbyj |
Lee Martin18lmartin |
Lilli Vehikitelilliv |
McKay Fritzmckayfritz |
NataLee Hawkinsnataleehawk |
Nathan CannonNathanWJCannon |
R. Kitchenrkitchen2 |
Rebecca Leiferrebeccaleifer |
Sadie BinghamSadiebing |
Samuel CharlesG3nius |
Sarah BirdsallSBirdsall |
Sylvia Maglebysmagleby156 |
Ben BullockBenb |
Catcat471 |
Isaac MoatsIsaacMoats |
Kaden AndreasenKadenAndy05 |
Nathaniel Harrisnharris97 |
Roscoe McGeetoothless |