Show your completed project to an evaluator and demonstrate your ability to use the following tools.
Requirement Submission
Submit the date and name of the person who conducted your evaluation. View the list of evaluators here:
Demonstrate skill with:
Text- Threading text frames
- Autoflow (3 kinds, when to use each)
- Automatic page numbers
- Spell-check
- Find/change
- Drop caps
- Split/span columns
- Creating columns without guides
- Tracking/kerning/leading
- Text wrap with “alpha channel”
- Importing from word using same style names
GraphicsShapes/lines- Arrow key shortcuts for the polygon tool
- Advanced stroke panel options like custom dashed lines, corners, endpoints, etc.
Pages- Master pages
- Overriding master page items
- Layers
Other- Alt, or alt-shift for easy duplicate and keep in line
- Align, distribute, group
- Understand the different kinds of frames in InDesign
- Effects panel
- Object styles
- Saving for older versions of InDesign
- Tables of Contents