1. Complete Adobe TutorialsComplete the first 8 Adobe InDesign tutorials. Save at least one completed project from a tutorial to share with the sage. Create a business card project. More Info |
2. Meet with an EvaluatorReview completed tutorials with an evaluator. Share your completed business card project with an evaluator. More Info |
Stirling millersmm256 |
Sylvia Maglebysmagleby156 |
Tessa June Memmotttessjune |
Timothy BradshawTimmyBr |
kayla hunterkaylahunter |
Abigail BradshawJean33 |
Emma RowlandEmma77 |
Garrett BodenGcboden |
Grace Thomasthomagra |
Kaden AndreasenKadenAndy05 |
Parker Gehringparkergehring |
Peter GilesPeter-Giles |
Rachel AlbrightRachel-Albright |
Teilani Alicia NortonTeilanialicia |
Tyler RomneyTyler-Romney |