Adobe Illustrator - 2/3

2. Demonstrate Your Skills to an Evaluator

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 22, 2019 at 1:56 PM by samdjackson
  • Evidence only visible to badge awarders
Show your completed project to an evaluator and demonstrate your ability to use the tools listed below.

Requirement Submission

Submit the date and name of the person who conducted your evaluation. View the list of evaluators here:

Demonstrate skill with:

  • Drawing tools
    • Pencil tool
    • Brush tool
    • Curvature tool
    • Shaper tool
    • Blob brush tool
    • Eraser tool
    • Knife tool
  • Color
    • Swatches
    • Gradients
    • Eyedropper tool
    • Transparency
    • Live paint
    • Color themes panel
  • Advanced stroke settings
    • Caps
    • Corners
    • Dashes
    • Width tool
  • The Appearance panel
    • Adding multiple strokes and fills to an object
    • Adding and editing effects
  • The Type tool
  • Image trace
  • Artboards
  • Rotating and reflecting objects
  • Alignment
  • Grouping