Tweets for Austin

AMS Tweets

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 21, 2018 at 4:42 PM by angela-smyers
  • Evidence visible to public
Tweet consistently about AMS students, class and AMS events. Positively promote our school to our community. Proudly tell our story.
1. Create a Twitter account reserved specifically for tweeting about AMS. Use a separate account for your personal/professional life.   Post a link to your Twitter account

2.  Tweet 4 or more tweets per week.

3.  Share positive news that promotes students, your class and our school.  Include pictures. 

All posted evidence

Tweets for Austin Public Austin Middle School Tweets positively for Austin MS about students, class, and school to promote our school


/ⒿⓅ on Twitter

Tweets for Austin Public Austin Middle School Tweets positively for Austin MS about students, class, and school to promote our school on a consistant basis.
jp-dev-facebook Almost 6 years ago



Angela Smyers (@AngelaSmyers) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Angela Smyers (@AngelaSmyers). Ambassador for learning; Tweets are my own. D/FW metro
angela-smyers Over 6 years ago