Xtreme Reading Professional Learning (PL)

2. Reflection

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  • Last updated January 30, 2020 at 9:39 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
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PD Reflection

I attended multiple days of professional development provided by Bonnie Palasak at the University of Central Arkansas. During this time, she provided an overview of each strategy within the Xtreme Reading Curriculum, modeled 1-2 lessons from each strategy, and helped me develop a plan for implementing the curriculum into my classroom. At this time, I was teaching both face to face and in the digital classroom due to the COVID pandemic. Ms. Palasak helped me ensure that my digital plans met the same amount of rigor and engagement as my face to face implementation. We also spent some time discussing the need to monitor progress using a variety of assessment tools (MAP, San Diego, pre/post assessments) and tracking that data digitally to visually see the progress of each student.
mjones 2 months ago

This session offered a refresher look at the modules and strategies. We reviewed the notebooks and the the San Diego assessment.

dpurvis Over 4 years ago

Reviewed updated notebook. Introduced assessments - San Diego, state and district.

Reviewed learning strategies, book study, modeling and practice scoring. Also working with newly created fillable forms for remote learning. Updated daily lesson plans to include student workbook pages. Planning for implementing new school year. Organizational strategies to help keep all the artifacts filed.
njacobs50 Over 4 years ago

Excited to be apart of the Xtreme Reading Cadre with KUCRL

abray Over 5 years ago

I attended the first three days of training in North Carolina then Pam came to Culpeper to complete the training in November.

Culpeper was the pilot site for Xtreme in the state of VIrginia. I am the district SIM leader so I attended the training to be able to support the teachers who would be teaching the course.  Pam was able to adjust the last two days of the training to meet the needs of our location as our teachers have a lot of background in the Learning Strategies. Through out the year I continued to meet with Diane over the phone and by school visits to continue the learning in the program to check on fidelity and go over data on students.
bfenwick Over 5 years ago

Professional Development and Coaching in Xtreme Reading

I am one of two teachers piloting Xtreme Reading in my district this year. I learned a lot over the five days of professional development in the program in North Carolina and on site in Culpeper, Va. The last two days, in particular, were personalized to our needs, experience levels, students, and setting. We had the opportunity to learn new strategies, work with the manuals and daily schedules, observe and participate in a model, share celebrations, and work through challenges. Pam was very systematic in her approach to our concerns; she provided meaningful feedback and many ideas for organizing materials, working around student absences, motivating students, and sustaining collaboration within our PLC. I am already seeing the impact of Xtreme Reading on my students' word attack skills, comprehension, fluency, and reading stamina. I am looking forward to continuous positive outcomes for our students and schools. 

cleague Over 6 years ago