Pamela Dee Leitzell

Orientation participation

I attended a CLC Professional Development Session in the spring of 2006 at KUCRL, designed to prepare leaders for roles in CLC projects.

  • September 13, 2018 at 4:27 PM
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My first experience with the Content Literacy Continuum took place when I attended a CLC session at the annual SIM conference in Lawrence.  My school district had already implemented learning strategies and content enhancement routines across our secondary schools.  The CLC framework provided a system for integrating everything we had been working on and providing a process for developing a comprehensive literacy plan for the district.  The following year, my district sent a team to Kansas to speak to Don Deshler and Keith Lenz about CLC.  It was exciting to sit down at the table with them and talk about the possibilities for our schools.  In 2001, my district kicked off our CLC project including the formation of our building CLC teams, along with a district CLC advisory team.  The hard work paid off, and students' academic performance improved.  In 2006, I was asked by KUCRL to be a team leader in a Striving Readers Grant, and I have been working with CLC projects in various states ever since.