#HashtagHero Follow 50!

Who do you follow?

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated March 1, 2017 at 1:21 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Write the handles of your favorite educators or groups that you follow. You'll help the members of this group grow their PLN!

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Favorite Educators


gracek Over 5 years ago

Here is who I follow in Education:


echapman Over 5 years ago

Here are some of the handles I follow.

@tolerance_org Teaching Tolerance
@jserravallo Reading guru
@ronclarkacademy Innovative Educator
@biepbl Buck Institute for Education
@Brains_On Kids Science Podcast

holtra Over 5 years ago

Here's who I follow!


This is just a short list of my favorites!
trishelle Almost 6 years ago

I follow....


hansenc About 6 years ago

Who do I follow??

schlessmanj Over 6 years ago

I can't forget Leasha!

ncoyan Over 6 years ago

Some of my favorites!

ncoyan Over 6 years ago

Follow me @teacherahunt!

I follow.....


amyhunt12 Over 6 years ago

People I follow

tovaran Over 6 years ago

Instagram handles


1. @missbertles_
2. @especiallyeducation
3. @mrdtimes3
4. @thesprinkletoppedteacher
5. @writeonwithmissg

I love using Instagram to connect with other educators for a variety of different reasons. It allows me to quickly view "stories" that other teachers create. These specific teachers give helpful advice, lessons, and methods for teaching all ages and a variety of different subjects. I love these five specifically because I can see something they post and easily implement it into my classroom the next day. I also follow others on Twitter as well, but Instagram is my primary source of education inspiration.
schutza Over 6 years ago

My favorite educators to follow are: @LeahCoffman @TeachThought @WortmansClass @LauraGilchrist4 @Raduewel @Gcouros

My favorite educators to follow are: @LeahCoffman @TeachThought @WortmansClass @LauraGilchrist4 @Raduewel @Gcouros

These educators think outside the box and show lessons and ideas that can be used in almost any classroom.
walkera Over 6 years ago