#1 Badge

What are you excited to learn as you earn badges?

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  • Last updated February 28, 2017 at 1:28 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link

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I am excited to choose my own PD.

comptonc Over 5 years ago

I am excited to continue my own learning through Badgelist!

I am excited to earn badges that will allow me to improve my teaching. The more that I learn, the more that I can make learning efficient, engaging and exciting for my students! 
zaricha Over 5 years ago

I am excited to learn what exactly badges for bears is.

mccleeryd Over 5 years ago

I hope to learn more ways to engage my students and further my knowledge of what I can do as a teacher!

trishelle Almost 6 years ago

I am excited to learn better ways to engage students and see if there are any ways to use these tools for school counseling.

nicole-mcdowell Almost 6 years ago

Learning new things!

I am very excited to stretch my learning and I think these badges will do this. Looking through, I see lots of new programs/applications that I have never heard of that I am excited to learn about!
echapman About 6 years ago

Open to new ideas

I am excited to learn about new strategies and approaches to teaching that helps to elevate our student's performance.   It can be easy to get "stuck" doing the same thing year-after-year, but looking at new approaches and reading from others' ideas will offer another perspective that I can incorporate for help me and my students.
kudrhagan About 6 years ago

What I am excited for

k am excited to grow as a professional learner through the different badges.
sipesm Over 6 years ago

New Experience!

I am excited to see what new and creative activities that are bouncing around the education world! Looking forward to using my new findings in my class to enhance my students learning in an engaging way.
lcl03 Over 6 years ago

I am excited to learn new classroom management skills that I can utilize in the gym.

waterkotte Over 6 years ago

Improve my skills as a teacher and make learning more fun and exciting!

I want to improve my teaching capabilities and make my classroom more exciting and fun.  
ericr Over 6 years ago

I'm excited about Badgelist because it will impact teacher learning which will impact STUDENT LEARNING!

I'm excited to learn & grow on my own time and follow my interests. I'm excited to connect with teachers across the district. I'm also excited to perhaps see badges make their way into classrooms for KIDS!
gilchristl Over 6 years ago