Karen Staley

1. Apprenticeship Reflection

#1 Apprenticeship Reflection Karen Staley

  • June 27, 2022 at 11:07 AM
  • Last updated almost 2 years ago
  • Visible to public
#1 Apprenticeship ReflectionKaren Staley

I attended the virtual CLLI from June to October 2021.  Each session was led by SIM Professional Developers and facilitated by the PD department from KU.  I was able to learn and grow with the pre-work, readings, activities, and collaboration throughout.  All participants were expected to be reflective practitioners and work together.  Each session had a clear plan and focused on each participant developing their leadership skills and proficiency in sharing the SIM learning strategies.

Session #1     6/11/21 Participants were introduced to the idea that reciprocity undergirds successful professional development.  One Teaches; Two Learn.  This highlights the important growth mindset that is key to spreading SIM and making human connections.  We were introduced to the Partnership Principals and explored SIM assets.  These concepts were contextualized within existing educational frameworks such as the MTSS process and how to create a concise SIM overview.  

Session #2     6/18/21 Participants were asked to focus on the Why of what we do.  Keeping our own and our participants' purpose in the forefront helps us all see the importance of spreading evidence-based instructional practices.  I was supported in developing my personal Why focusing on literacy as a basic human right.  From this viewpoint, I began developing plans for sessions I would lead in the future; including specific planning details and structures.  

Session # 3     8/21/21 Participants deepened their knowledge of educational systems and how to become the agents of change that we want to see in the future.  We studied texts to develop our familiarity of data, current research, and how to conduct effective professional development.  Throughout the CLLI the sense of collaboration was evident and has been extended into my personal experience.  The SIM network is well connected, supportive, and available.

Session #4      9/16/21 Participants visualized coaching cycles, pondered on potential, and refined our reflective practices.  We discussed the art of questioning and how to use data and maximize our potential within our own professional circles.  We continued to work together to develop and critique resources related to the SIM network and our personal careers.

Session #5      10/27/21 Participants focused on developing ourselves as leaders.  Identifying and maximizing our strengths and learning from others, allows us to determine peoples’ unmet needs.  We were asked to think of the future and create data-driven plans centered on how we can become agents of change.

I learned so much through the process of becoming a SIM professional developer.  Before, during, and after the live sessions, I reflected, read, and collaborated with others.  So many people gave their time and knowledge to me as I began this journey.  While still in the classroom when I applied to the CLLI, I dreamed of future potential paths for my career.  As I complete this process, I am also starting a new role in education as a county-level EC program specialist position for next year.  One of the benefits of this new role will be the ability to spread SIM to more students and classrooms.  I am fully confident in the support and assistance that was given and will be given, to me by the SIM network and I look forward to my new expanded role.