Lyndsey Walker

1. Date and Reflection

My co-teaching partner and I practiced using this routine with the revision stage of the writing process.

  • September 28, 2016 at 9:36 AM
  • Visible to public
I enjoyed learning the concept mastery routine.  My co-teaching partner and I practiced using this routine with the revision stage of the writing process.  We came up with possible key terms, examples and non-examples and decided on a definition.  We felt this would be a good use of concept mastery because eighth grade students often know how to edit, but skip the revision process.  We felt this would be an important concept to master because, review is scored higher on the writing SOL then the editing.  

After we completed our concept mastery routine, we practiced delivering our routine to another co-teaching pair.  This helped us to recognize some changes that we needed to make to our routine. We needed to take sentence fragments and run-ons out of our revision routine since this would be more appropriate for editing.  We also realized that we may need to have examples prepared for students and give them the option to sort them.  This will give them more time to complete the activity, and will ensure that they have appropriate examples.

Finally, I hope to complete continue working with concept mastery routine and complete my level two and three badges.  I am also interested in becoming a SIM professional developer.