BlendEd Lvl. 3 - Connoisseur

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  • Last updated July 19, 2017 at 7:52 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
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I am trying to make some teaching materials from my school accessible to teachers and students :)


HOME | dz-deskinstitute

We simply promote and support blended learning which is an education program (formal or non-formal) that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods. It requires the physical presence of both teacher and student, with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.
abir12 Almost 4 years ago

Blended Lesson requiring students to determine why the US Senate failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles following WWI

apush2020 Almost 5 years ago

Earth Science's Department Website that I created.

My digital professional portfolio

Jessica lemmo

Jessica lemmo

Jessica lemmo
mrslemmo Almost 6 years ago

Rolling out badges for staff next school year and developing website to house it

WHEMS EdTech Badges

WHEMS EdTech Badges

What is WHEMS EdTech Badges? Technology can be a powerful tool to help us meet the Common Core Standards and move our students forward to prepare them for success in school and beyond. In...
mrslemmo Almost 6 years ago

Took my march madness style state book award voting challenge digital this year.



The Black-Eyed Susan Book Award is a children's choice award for the state of Maryland. The Black-Eyed Susan Book Award is given to authors and/or illustrators of outstanding books chosen for the...
mrslemmo Almost 6 years ago

Took my march madness style picture book challenge digital this year.

Picture Book March Madness

Picture Book March Madness

Which Picture Book will be our SLAM DUNK winner? Check out the 16 picture books that were picked to go with the theme of "Compelling Characters" and then help decide which book will be the SLAM...
mrslemmo Almost 6 years ago