Metacognitive ReflectionWrite a reflection piece that describes the physical and mental steps you took to complete the product and explain how you can apply something you learned earning this badge outside of school, in another class, and/or in another experiment. More Info |
Abigail ArriojaAbby07 |
Aleida M. RodriguezAleRodri964 |
Alex H.Pastmast3r |
Alycia D.Alycia_D958 |
Adriana VasquezAdrianavvv |
Alessandro GAlex999 |
Alison MartinezAlimarti914 |
Alyssa HAlyssa-H |
Alanna GenovesAlanna_G |
Alex GarciaAlexG17 |
Alondra D.Alondra001 |
Amber M.Ambmarti544 |
Andrea L.andluna694 |
Andrew VuAndvu860 |
Angel MAngmarti748 |
Annalee E.Annenriq220 |
Andrea S.Andrea461 |
Andrew WarnerAndrewW |
Angel RodriguezAngrodri183 |
Anthony FAntFlore267 |
Andrew CarusoAndrewcaruso |
Angad B.angbopar970 |
Angela AguinagaAngela123 |
Anthony RiveraAnthonyRivera |