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Build Your Culture With Badges.

Shape your organization into a connected, compassionate community using digital badges.

Get Started

Culture is the Fabric of a Thriving Organization Make important moments visible by using digital badges to recognize milestones, achievements and shared interests.

  • Badge List home

    Recognize team members and learners for their accomplishments.

    Digital badges celebrate achievements and foster connections.

  • Badge List home

    Celebrate interpersonal connections.

    Digital badges help to make meaningful moments visible.

  • Badge List home

    Reward values-aligned activity.

    Digital badges energize your organization to engage.

Digital Badges for the win.

Digital badges add value and visibility to the interactions that really matter.

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  • Badge List home Visible

    Bades are sharable for everywhere community even in hybrid workspaces.

  • Badge List home Verifiable

    More than just digital symbols, badges lay the foundation for shared values and behaviors.

  • Badge List home Trackable

    Badges act as catalysts, amplifying engagement and inspiring proactive involvement among teams.

  • Badge List home Customizable

    Badges mark milestones and progress, badges act as powerful motivators, inspiring continuous growth.

    Get started Today
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Trusted by industry leaders with thousands of learners.

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learning communities

3 million

badge views

6+ years

of empowering learners

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Is it right for you?

Whether you're training your team, administering course, or advertising to students, digital badges are for you.

  • Badge List home Easy to use

    You'll award badges within minutes, no training required. it's web-based, so there's noting to manage or configure.

  • Badge List home Strengthen your branding

    Create beautiful, personalized badges that match your brand and inspire your learners, no matter you skill level.

  • Badge List home Set it and forget it

    Once you set up Badge List, it runs on its own, fully automated. Generate leads in your sleep.

  • Craft a custom badge
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Start badging today.

Thousands of professional and academic organizations use Badge List to track and reward cultural and learning experiences.

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