2015 Participant: SIM Content Teaching Academy

Engage actively in activities in all sessions.

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  • Last updated June 23, 2015 at 9:00 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
By June 26, write 2-3 key points that respond to the Unit Organizer self test questions and add one new self-test question that still needs an answer.

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Self-Test Questions

New Self-Test Question: How can I practically apply the Unit Organizer in my classroom?
smiter02 Almost 7 years ago

I was engaged last year.

khogsten Almost 8 years ago

The unit organizer will help to plan and develop units and allow the students to clearly see what they need to to know in order to succeed.

ageeam About 8 years ago

provided SIM PD and faciliated work sessions on June 22-24.

jaherzog Over 8 years ago

How will the use of SMARTER planning, teaching..

provides a well-structured framework for discussion and planning
provides a strong focus for co-teaching partners
  • How much time will the implementation require and will we get necessary buy-in and support from administration>
gunnett Over 8 years ago

What are the keys for fidelity of implementation with SIM?

  • Maintaining communication between collaborative teachers and students.
  • Well planned lessons
  • Time and scheduling to co-plan, co-reflect, and co-assess.
  • All teachers have to have buy in to this process
mfryer Over 8 years ago

Participated in round table discussions regarding the role of SLPs in secondary schools, provided input during LINCs/WM PD.

strumbo Over 8 years ago

June 22-24

strumbo Over 8 years ago

Actively participated in all professional development activities

•Students should take ownership in their education.
•Through these Content Enhancement Routines and Learning Strategies, the students then internalize the process and apply it to all aspects of their life to organize their thoughts – it also helps other teachers within their disciplines.
•We’re equipping them with tools that empower them to shape their futures.
•Giving students and teachers the big picture.
•Helps students focus on active learning as opposed to managing. The students are taking an active role in their own education.
•It makes children accountable for their own success. “How can I benefit myself?”
•We're not teaching them what to think but how to think.
zucco Over 8 years ago

Key Points

Through these Content Enhancement Routines and Learning Strategies, the students then internalize the process and apply it to all aspects of their life to organize their thoughts – it also helps other teachers within their disciplines.

We’re equipping students with tools that empower them to shape their futures -- letting them see the big picture. 

Helps students focus on active learning as opposed to managing. The students are taking an active role in their own education.
withers1020 Over 8 years ago

How will the collaborative teams that attended the SIM Academy be expected to disseminate this info. to the rest of the OCHS faculty?

Unit Organizers allow students to take more ownership in their learning with the focus being on critical thinking and not just finding the answer. Content Enhancement Routines promote partnerships to increase achievement.
sgoodrich Over 8 years ago

Key points that respond to the Unit Organizer self test questions

  • How can we get students to see the big picture?
    • The unit organizer can allow students and teachers to walk through the process of evaluating and analyzing objectives for a unit.
  • How can we assure we are meeting the standards and preparing our students beyond the classroom environment?
    • The unit organizer works in tandem with the standards and helps the educator align these core standards along with student need (taken from data analysis of pre-tests etc.) to determine student weak points.  By educators using this organizer they can assess need and evaluate ways to address these weak points in their lessons so they can reach student need.  
  • What are the best ways to implement this into my practice as a beginning to the CTA and SIM program?
cdecker Over 8 years ago