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  • Last updated January 17, 2021 at 2:40 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
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Created sections 1 through 5 for the for loop wiki. I added example code and outputs.



for is a keyword used to loop over a sequence (i.e. a list, map, or string). A for loop is used when you want to repeat a block of code a fixed number of times. For loops in Miniscript utilize the for each construct.
lpopoca Almost 2 years ago

Added Example Code to page :D



super is a keyword used to access base class methods from within a subclass method. It is part of MiniScript's support for object-oriented programming. This article is a stub. You can help the MiniScript Wiki by expanding it.
khorne About 2 years ago

added an example for true



easycodelewid About 2 years ago

Here are my contributions, in particular I added a new how-to page.


User contributions

sebnozzi Over 2 years ago

Created page


In Mini Micro, the function sends data to a URL using the POST method and returns the contents of the URL using the HTTP POST protocol. It supports text, images, sounds, and raw binary data.
sicariusvelox About 3 years ago

Created page



In Mini Micro, the http.put function sends data to a URL using the PUT method and returns the contents of the URL using the HTTP PUT protocol. It supports text, images, sounds, and raw binary data.
sicariusvelox About 3 years ago

Added missing category links on a few TextDisplay pages.



The TextDisplay class in Mini Micro is a display type that represents a 68-column, 26-row text character display. Each row/column position in this display is called a "cell" and may display one character, with any foreground and background color (including transparent colors).
mantic Over 3 years ago