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  • Last updated November 24, 2019 at 12:46 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Write a blog post or article about MiniScript. It should be more than a few sentences. Forum posts don't count. :) Submit a link to your article.

All posted evidence

Short blog on when I got involved in miniscript and a code example and couple gifs of a current project.


Where to begin, Where to start?

Where to begin? I have coded games in the past using engines. From drag and drop to GML (game maker language). I dabbled in python and java. I even have made small websites. I was not much involved in theses heavily until I had come across the game Grey Hack.
khorne About 2 years ago

Short introduction to Mini Micro / MiniScript in

DEV Community

About Mini Micro (short)

Today I just wanted to share with you a very cool programming environment I recently discovered: the Mini Micro. What is the Mini Micro? From its wiki: Mini Micro is a desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It simulates a retro-style home computer, built atop the MiniScript language.
sebnozzi Over 2 years ago

A post with a example program using strings, variables and strings.


Beginning at MiniScript

But of course you're not here just for learn how to print something. So now, i'll make a example program and tell about input and variables! First, you must open the Try it! page or download the MiniMicro engine at
worldlover Over 4 years ago