2016 ICE From the Floor

From the Floor Evidence

Only editable by experts

  • Last updated January 31, 2016 at 1:08 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Conduct a short video interview of a colleague or vendor on the vendor floor of the exhibit hall. Use video apps or live streaming apps such as Periscope, Meerkat, or Facebook. Save the video to camera roll and upload it online to Google Drive, Vimeo, YouTube etc and tag it # #ICE16.

All posted evidence

Steve Miller sharing about the 3D printer at the VariQuest booth at #ICE16. Focus on training teachers and providing lesson materials.


VariQuest booth at #ICE16

A snippet of Steve Miller sharing about the 3D printer at the VariQuest booth at #ICE16. Enjoyed hearing about their products, but more importantly their focus on training teachers and providing lesson materials. Thanks, Steve! From the Floor digital badge.
msgilbertrocks About 8 years ago

Thanks to Prodigy.net!

brihtar About 8 years ago