Ruby on Rails Explorer Public

Web Dev Map Project

This badge is awarded to web developers who have built a working Ruby on Rails app and shared the story of how they learned Rails.

Required Evidence

Badge Overview

Welcome to the Ruby on Rails Explorer badge! This badge aspires to serve as a community for Rails enthusiasts interested in deepening their own learning and helping to guide others.

Badge criteria

This is an open badge. Anyone can earn the badge by joining and posting the following evidence to their progress log:
  1. Your Learning Story - This can be one big post or a bunch of little ones, but be as detailed as possible. Ideally you would share every single resource you used along with links and notes.
  2. Screenshots of Your Work - Post some screenshots of a Rails app you've built.
  3. Code Sample - Share a snippet of a particularly challenging piece of code you wrote.

How to join the badge

Click the "Join Badge" link in the upper-right corner of the page to join this badge as an apprentice.  You'll also need to create a Badge List account if you don't already have one.  After joining you'll see a "New Post" link in the upper-right corner of the page.  Click that link to post entries to your progress log.  After you've posted all of the required evidence, go to your progress log and click the "Request validation" link in the log settings menu.

Ruby on Rails Explorer community vision

The goal of this badge is to build a community of Rails enthusiasts sharing stories and helping each other learn.  Here's how we'll do it.
  • Get 10,000 Rails explorers to share their learning stories
  • Use the stories to build lists of most every available Rails learning resource available
  • Compile the resource lists into a map of suggested learning pathways for new learners to follow
Read more about the goals behind this badge here: "Why I want to gather 10,000 Ruby on Rails learning stories" (
View Badge Wiki

Badge Wiki

Badge Explorers


Hank Holiday


Created badge on 3/25/14

Badge Apprentices


Jorge Diaz


Joined badge on 4/13/14

Keshav Biswa


Joined badge on 8/13/19

Michael Kovacs


Joined badge on 4/4/14