2015 SIM Conference Session Presenter

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  • Last updated May 13, 2015 at 11:46 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
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An Excellent Match: State Standards and Content Enhancement Routines

This session examined the shifts that the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards call for  and matching those shifts to the Smarter Instructional Cycle, and Content Enhancment Routines.
mulock Over 8 years ago

2015 SIM Leadership Award

My participation at the 2015 International Conference was informally contributing during sessions that encouraged participation (e.g., Janis Bulgren's session:  CE and Higher Order Thinking, Monica Harris, "Word Mapping" etc.)  Receiving the 2015 Leadership Award, was the "formal" portion of contribution.
kbgast Over 8 years ago

Poster Session Presentation: Badge List Help Desk

Conference participants were introduced to the concept of Micro-Credentialing and how it can help to increase the scope of SIM at the Keynote by  Richard Culatta, Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education, Ben Roome, Chief Product Officer for Badge List, and Patty Graner, Director of Professional Development at The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.

My Poster Session provided an opportunity for conference participants to ask questions about Badge List, the platform for our SIM Micro-Credential Program.
monatipton About 9 years ago

Kaleidoscope presentation

Make It Virtual: SIM Overview: An important aspect of implementing SIM with fidelity is to understand the background of SIM, how SIM addresses RTI and literacy, and the key elements of LS and CER. Unfortunately, time allotted for staff development has been greatly reduced in many districts, which makes it a challenge to offer an overview session. The solution…an online overview.
jbasler Over 9 years ago

Professional Development & Instructional Coaching: Supporting Quality Implementation of a Comprehensive Reading Program

Improving reading achievement for adolescents with disabilities is a national concern. Unfortunately, efforts to close the achievement gap for this population have had little impact on student outcomes. During this presentation, we briefly discuss a supplemental reading program and its impact on student reading outcomes. Most importantly, we describe a collaborative professional development and technology supported coaching model. The PD and coaching model will include a discussion of how we used the Edthena video platform during coaching sessions to reduce coach “windshield time” and to increase teacher focus on their actual classroom pradtices. The coaching model we used is based on Jim Knight’s Instructional coaching and coaching of coaches models. Session goals are to: (1) increase knowledge of a comprehensive and supplemental reading program 2) increase knowledge of a collaborative professional learning and technology supported instructional coaching model that supports quality implementation and improved student outcomes. 
mhock Over 9 years ago


This session will share what we’re learning about using social media in education through findings of a NSF-supported exploratory research grant.  Researchers at the Center for Research on Learning, along with classroom teachers and students, have partnered together to explore the opportunities provided through social media (including Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress, Skype, Google docs, and Blackboard).  While our focus has been to enhance the practice of scientific argumentation in high school Biology classes, findings can be generalized to teachers and students in all grade levels and content areas.  In this session we’ll share how social media supports professional learning for teachers and academic learning for students.  In addition, we’ll discuss what we’re learning about classrooms that use social media to foster academic interactions.  Join this session to discuss implications for platform usage, digital citizenship, providing authentic learning experiences in classrooms, and more!
janach Over 9 years ago

Increasing SIM Implementation through alignment with District and School Initiatives

Increasing SIM Implementation through alignment with District and School Initiatives
Cindy Medici, Janice Creneti
A powerful way to increase teacher (and administrator) excitement around the benefits of SIM is to support their discovery of the direct connections between SIM implementation and other “competing” initiatives.  During 2014-15, Florida’s State Personnel Development Grant SIM Project added 3 new formats of professional development provided to schools: Content Clinics, SIM-based Lesson Study and a Leadership Summit for Instructional Coaches and Administrators.  This session will provide a brief overview of each format, how it supported alignment with district and school initiatives and discuss outcomes and lessons learned.
medicic Over 9 years ago

Differentiated Visual Tools

Ed Ellis, Vicki Ricketts, and Sue Woodruff will familiarize participants with Differentiated Visual Tools (DVTs) and provide opportunity for dialogue and discussion about how these tools fit and integrate with SIM.  
swoodruf Over 9 years ago

The Minnesota SIM Network has developed a an online delivery system that includes online webinars, a Moodle site and coaching support.

holly Over 9 years ago

Xtreme Reading: This presentation overviews the Xtreme Reading Program for Learning Strategies Professional Developers.

jerrin Over 9 years ago

Creating 21st Century Learning Environments through Use of Instructional Technology in Secondary Classrooms

This session showcases Glastonbury Public Schools (Connecticut) 1-1 technology initiative that supports the integration of CCSS, effective instructional strategies  and various assessment methods that support student achievement(that are helpful for SIM instruction).  Professional development opportunities will be shared that are constructed based on Learning Forward standards and on Guskey's model of professional development evaluation
rosemary Over 9 years ago

A Sneak Peek at the New SIMville

Along with the new Directory, the new online store, and the new micro-credentialing program, there will soon be a new SIMville. Come by and take a look at what is ahead.
julie Over 9 years ago