Plant a Seed of Belief

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  • Last updated January 30, 2015 at 4:53 PM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Come up with a plan to show your belief in your students and especially those who don’t seem to have people who believe in them.

Did you reflect on this goal? Please leave a comment that you accomplished this goal by either posting your own video reflection on Youtube, using the hashtag #30Goals, posting on the 30 Goals Facebook group, adding a post to the 43 Things web/mobile app, or adding a comment below!

All posted evidence

The open e-publications for Primary Bilingual Students the pre-service teachers at the Master's degree I teach at University in Madrid have designed in 3 months and are ready to share, because they believe in open connected teaching and learning, and I believe in them.
Check their outcomes at

Keeping my fingers crossed for them to be able to keep on believing when they walk into their own classrooms.
mjgsm Over 9 years ago

A tiny story about CLIL

Be someone's champion

Here's the link to the evidence of accomplishing Goal 2: Be someone's champion:
mjgsm Almost 10 years ago

A couple of lesson plans